On Thu, Oct 07, 1999 at 02:00:15PM -0400, Tim Pierce wrote: > That is what a knowledgable and experienced person would do, but we > are talking about the naive and clueless. Mutt is a power-users' mailer (unless this has changed recently). It does not cater to the clueless, and I don't want to use software that does. -- Manoj Kasichainula - manojk at io dot com - http://www.io.com/~manojk/
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP ser... Tim Pierce
- OT: Re: how to set up alternate SMTP... rutger
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP ser... David DeSimone
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP ser... Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP ser... David DeSimone
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Howard Arons
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Eugene Lee
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Rich Lafferty
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Rich Lafferty
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Tim Pierce
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Manoj Kasichainula
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Tim Pierce
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Daniel Eisenbud
- Re: how to set up alternate SMTP server Rich Lafferty