> taken from Jan Houtsma (Oct 20)...
>Ok, this is what you do. You view the message and you type "v" (View attachments).
>You just tag (t) the attachments you want to forward.
>Now when u slected the attachments you want to forward, you now press ";f".
>The ; means that the next command operated on tagged stuff.
>The f means forward.
>Now you can fill in the destination etc.. as usual.
hmmm... i tried that with my version of mutt (0.95.6us) and it
wouldn't include certain attachements in my message. for example,
someone sent me a jpg file which i tried to forward on to someone
else. i did the view attachement deal, "t"agged the text portion of
the message AND the jpg attachement and then did a ";f". all that
appeared in my outgoing message was the text portion of the original
message (the jpg was nowhere to be found). are there any specific
settings in the .muttrc that might control this behaviour?
>On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 10:21:43PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> This is probably a silly question...
>> I get an email that has several attachments. Say one is a word document (yea,
>> people like to send me word documents that contain one paragraph...) and
>> further say that I want to forward just the word document to someone. How do
>> I do it?
>> I tried $mime_forward, but that made the whole original email one attachment,
>> and I couldn't see how to remove the parts I didn't want to forward.
>> Tried starting a new message, using `A' (attach-message), and tagging original
>> message; same deal. And just tagging the word document I wanted to forward
>> didn't seem to do anything.
>> I ended up saving the document, and attaching it... just seemed that there was
>> probably a more direct route that I was just missing.
>> TIA!
>> Rob
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