On Mon, Oct 18, 1999 at 10:21:43PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This is probably a silly question...
> I get an email that has several attachments. Say one is a word document (yea,
> people like to send me word documents that contain one paragraph...) and
> further say that I want to forward just the word document to someone. How do
> I do it?
> I tried $mime_forward, but that made the whole original email one attachment,
> and I couldn't see how to remove the parts I didn't want to forward.
> Tried starting a new message, using `A' (attach-message), and tagging original
> message; same deal. And just tagging the word document I wanted to forward
> didn't seem to do anything.
> I ended up saving the document, and attaching it... just seemed that there was
> probably a more direct route that I was just missing.
> TIA!
> Rob
Ok, this is what you do. You view the message and you type "v" (View attachments).
You just tag (t) the attachments you want to forward.
Now when u slected the attachments you want to forward, you now press ";f".
The ; means that the next command operated on tagged stuff.
The f means forward.
Now you can fill in the destination etc.. as usual.