Mark Weinem [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> version: 95.3i/1.0pre2
> The pgp_encryptself variable doesn't work with GnuPG. 
> A missing feature? Or also a bug?

This was recently raised, I believe on mutt-dev.  The problem is that GPG
doesn't have an encrypttoself flag of it's own, and instead says to just
specify your own keyid as one of the keys to encrypt to.  But Mutt has no
concept of what key is yours, other than the value of pgp_sign_as.  So
a new variable or something may need to be added, or GPG just needs an
encrypttoself flag.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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