Mark Weinem dijo:
> Hi,
> (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1, 2.0.36)
> I'm running GnuPG 0.9.10-2. Gpg is the default in ~/.muttrc, and gpgm
> is a symbolic link to gpg. But sending my public key  or encrypting
> still doesn't work. Mutt always asks for  a key ID but every input
> seems to be wrong.

I got theses GnuPG/PGP configuration values from Yann Golanski, and the
differences are:

> set pgp_long_ids

This one was unset, and there was a warning not to change this setting

> set pgp_gpg="/usr/bin/gpg"
> set pgp_default_version="gpg"  

No value was with quotations except the key id for setting the default
signing key:  set pgp_sign_as="0x42337AE6"

For the rest, it seems ok to me.

BTW, could anyone tell me what the following setting means?

 set pgp_show_unusable

Also, the following

 set pgp_entry_format="%n %t%f %l 0x%k %a %c %u"

has never worked for me, and I had to comment it.


Valencia - ESPAŅA

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