On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, J Horacio MG wrote:
> BTW, could anyone tell me what the following setting means?
> set pgp_show_unusable
6.3.101. pgp_show_unusable
Type: boolean
Default: yes
If set, mutt will display non-usable keys on the PGP key selection
menu. This includes keys which have been revoked, have expired, or
have been marked as ``disabled'' by the user.
This variable exists only in the development version (0.96.*) and was
introduced with 0.96i.
> Also, the following
> set pgp_entry_format="%n %t%f %l 0x%k %a %c %u"
> has never worked for me, and I had to comment it.
6.3.95. pgp_entry_format
Type: string
Default: "%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u"
This variable allows you to customize the PGP key selection menu to
your personal taste. This string is similar to ``index_format'', but
has its own set of printf()-like sequences:
%n number
%k key id
%u user id
%a algorithm
%l key length
%f flags
%c capabilities
%t trust/validity of the key-uid association
%[<s>] date of the key where <s> is an strftime(3)
This variable also only exists in the development version and was
introduced in 0.96.1i or 0.96.2i.
Simply ignore those variables if your mutt doesn't support them. They
may be introduced in the stable version 1.2 or something like this.
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.spinnaker.de/ *
PGP: 1024/DD08DD6D 2D E7 CC DE D5 8D 78 BE 3C A0 A4 F1 4B 09 CE AF