"R. Marc" wrote:
> > In my opinion, wmmail is useless until you have a permanent connexion.
> I'm sure you have reason for this opinion, but if you use fetchmail
> wmmail is simply grand, permanent connection or no, IMHO.
> [snip]
> > and most of the time people are trying to minimise their connexion time...so.
> Hrm...what completely different worlds we live in.  Even when I had a modem,
> I, and most of my friends, tried for 24x7 connections; didn't get it, but
> we certainly tried.
> R. Marc

(:o OFF TOPIC :)
Well, i must say that my remark was clearly "european" minded...I agree
that wmmail
is really good looking. To give you an idea, here in France the average
cost is about 0.8$/hour...
so you have it: about 600 $/month for an 24x7 phone-connexion ! Ouhaou ! 
(*pretty* *pretty* expensive is the good word for this ;-)
The cable (i mean permanent high speed connexion by TV) is about
50$/month...better...but i
think that you're surrounded by commercials there...pretty boring.


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