> I run windowmaker and would like to put an appicon on my desktop;
> perhaps there is here somebody who prefers this combination of a mailer
> and window manager and could help me a bit; any practical suggestions?

You can just make an xterm icon for it, but that's pretty boring.  I've set
up wmmail (xbiff type o' thing..check http://bensinclair.com/dockapp/ for

I've attached my config file for it.  There's nothing mutt specific about
doing this other than that I call mutt.

R. Marc
  DisableBeep = No;
  DoubleClickTime = 250;
  DisplayMessageCount = None;
  DisplayColor = "#FFFFFF";
  DisplayFont = "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*";
  DisplayLocation = (0, 10);
  ExecuteOnClick = "nxterm +vb +sb  -T Mutt -e mutt";
  ExecuteOnNewOnce = No;
  Animations = {
    Empty = {
      Delay = 10;
      Frames = ("/usr/local/GNUstep/Apps/WMMail.app/Anims/NeXT/Mail1.xpm");
    Old = {
      Delay = 10;
      Frames = ("/usr/local/GNUstep/Apps/WMMail.app/Anims/NeXT/Mail1.xpm");
    New = {
      Delay = 2;
      Frames = (
  Mailboxes = (
      Name = "my maildrop";
      Type = mbox;
      UpdateInterval = 15;
      ExecuteOnUpdate = "";
      Options = {
        CheckTimeStampOnly = No;
        Path = "/var/spool/mail/<your mailbox>";
        MailboxHasInternalData = Yes;

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