On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Roberto Suarez Soto wrote:

> On 26/Aug/1999, Michael Elkins wrote:
> > As for which is best, maildir probably works faster for large mailboxes since
> > each message is stored in a separate file, so things like deleting message 500
> > of 1000 happen instantaneously whereas in a mbox style you have to rewrite
> > half of the mailbox to delete the one in the middle.  This is also true for
> > updating the message status (marking messages as read or replied to).
>       My bunch of questions about this (sorry if it's offtopic):
>       - Is it possible to use both types at once? (maildir for the bigger
>         folders, mbox for the little ones)

        i don't know, but i think so.

>       - How could I change my mbox folders to maildir? Any program that does
>         this?

        yes.  i used mutt to convert from mh to maildir folders, but the
        method i used was independent of the originating folder.  first,
        change your default mailbox style to the new one, so that when
        mutt creates a new folder, it'll create it in the desired new
        format.  second, rename your old folder.  third -- and i don't
        remember the exact syntax, but i'm sure others can jump in here
        and fill in the blanks -- you can call mutt from the command
        line and have it execute the following: have it change to the
        renamed folder (c=renamedfoldername\n), tag all (???), have it
        save all tagged messages in the new folder (???s=newfoldername\n),
        then then have it quit (q\ny\n).  i know you can put all of these
        commands together on the command line, but i forgot the syntax.
>       - Does procmail support this format?

        yes, but you need a patch.  

        works great for me and you don't need to worry about file
        locking.  just remember, when you list a maildir folder
        you want something filed in, you have to have a trailing '/'
        like so:

        * $ ^TO$ME

>       - (ObMutt) Does mutt detect automatically the folder format?

        afaik, yes.  it uses some tell-tale "signatures" for each
        format to guess what the format is.  sometimes, it gets 
        confused, but most of the time it works.
>       Thanks in advance :-)

        you're welcome in arrears.  =;]


Pete Toscano      h:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      w:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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