David Thorburn-Gundlach [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> ...and then David DeSimone said...
> %
> % Skipping those initial prompts isn't all that great, though, as I soon
> % discovered, because it means that send-hooks can't run on the message
> % before you compose it. That means you can't customize signatures,
> % attributions, or other things, before the message is created.
> I'm finding this to be a problem more and more these days. I *like*
> edit_hdrs, but I need my hooks.
Have you tried 'unset autoedit' with 'set edit_hdrs'? The manual is a bit
confusing here. I tried the above combination and didn't really at all get
what I expected, but I was pleased with the results: I get prompted for
the To:, Cc:, and Subject:, but then have full headers available to edit
when I get dumped into the editor, which to me is the main benefit of
edit_hdrs. And my send-hooks work.
Jeremy Blosser | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://jblosser.firinn.org/
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds
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