On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 01:38:16PM -0500, David DeSimone spewed forth:
> Fairlight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Now if someone could just help me out with UNsetting hooks from a few
> > days ago...still haven't found an answer...  :)
> That's because there isn't one.  There is no way to remove a hook.
> However, I haven't really seen a case where a hook needed to be removed.
> Usually what you do is to specify a very general hook first in your
> list.  This hook will set default behavior that you desire.  Then, later
> hooks can specify more specific behavior for specific cases.  Since the
> default hook will apply first, specific hooks will override it when
> necessary.  When those conditions no longer apply, the default hook will
> once again be the one that applies.

Okay, perhaps you can help me out here (or someone can)...

Basically, I want save-hook and mbox-hook to work like this:

1) I want to define a list of folders (whether in variables, or by actual
   hook lines...whatever) that I want NOT to exhibit the default behaviour.
2) I want all folders not in this list to exhibit the default behaviour.
3) However, I want the folders listed to NOT exhibit the default behaviour.

Basically, I want all read messages to go to =received when quitting or
changing folders.  But NOT when I'm in certain folders (like
/home/fairlite/folders/funnies, which has 900+ jokes from over the years), 
or when I'm already in =received...things like that.

I want it except when I specify I don't want it.  Is this possible?

I suspect I need some form of folder-hook along with save-hook and
mbox-hook, but even after going over the manual a few times, I can't quite
work out the logic of it.  I think it's just being new to the hooks thing.
I shouldn't complain...it's already 500x more versatile than elm ever was,
and I lived with that for 10 years.  :)

If someone has the exact solution to this, I'd love to hear it... :) :) :)


Fairlight->   |||        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | Fairlight Consulting
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 <__<>__>     |||   It's a New Religion..."          | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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