On Mon, Aug 23, 1999 at 12:26:17PM -0500, David DeSimone spewed forth:
> Fairlight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Is this an outdated part of the manual, or is there something I'm
> > missing here? When I go to reply, what is the "send-menu" ??? The
> > part with all the headers and attachments and such? I only get that
> > after editing my message, not before.
<snip of excellent explanation with Value-Added Clues>
A public thanks for clarifying the behaviour and perceived manual
contradictions. Glad I wasn't hallucinating. :)
Now if someone could just help me out with UNsetting hooks from a few
days ago...still haven't found an answer... :)
Thanks again!
Fairlight-> ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Fairlight Consulting
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