I can't directly answer your Q, but have a suggestion I use of a simplier
way to address the problem.  

I setup a second pop mail box and configure my netscape browser to pick up
email from that mailbox only SO if I want to handle html email or load a
local attachement, I just bounce it from my mutt mailbox to my NS/Win95
mailbox -- much simplier.

I have played with a Win'95 server program that could be address from a Mutt
mailcap, called 'doc server'.  It's on one of the mutt resource pages - I
keep meaning to recompile it as a proper Win program, it's a DOS program now.

Later ...

Rich Roth --- On-the-Net

Direct:  Box 927, Northampton, MA 01061, Voice: 413-586-9668

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     Url: http://www.on-the-net.com
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