First if that's  a know issue , please dont flame me,
i'vd searched in every document/faq/manual/archives i could find
befor posting. 

anyhows ...

My problem is in the way mutt sends a sign PGP message, 
i.e not the regular -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- but rather as an
attachment. i would like to know if there is a way to tell mutt
to simply sign the mail the old fation way ?

Thank's in advance, 

P.S: Please respond in person, as i am not subscribe to the list.

0x4AC8B6C9 Guy Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
New fingerprint:  75 D0 F3 03 32 C5 AC 99  93 2A 7D 0E 6F 17 7D C4
For pubic key mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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