Quoting our friend --> Lars Hecking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Thanks everyone for the help!
> > For now... Ive chosen the above method and as we can see it works ;)
> There is some sort of convention that .sigs are separated from the body
> by "-- " (dash dash space), and that .sigs should not be longer than
> 4 lines.
With all respect Lars...Am I doing something wrong? Frankly my rationaile
is that quite often, inexperienced users will quote the entire message and often much
unrelated (to the point at hand) text from previous messages. So...
Also in todays age of superfast connections that my preference for an
entertaining quote from fortune isnt too much to ask. Is it?
Particullary that my sig is
non commercial
and now... entertaining ;-)
Afterall this is the internet, where Im sure there are better things to foucus
on then a "fortune" being generated by my Linux system
rob (of course correct me if Im misguided)
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Famous, adj.:
Conspicuously miserable.
-- Ambrose Bierce