On 1999-02-18 22:43:35 -0500, rfi from Rich Roth wrote: > Can you suggest where to find the text/enriched spec ? I'd like to > see if I can make a jed macro to high-light using it. >From handler.c: /* * A (not so) minimal implementation of RFC1563. */ BTW, jed macros for editing text/enriched would be highly welcome. :-) tlr -- http://home.pages.de/~roessler/
- Re: Bug report: quota limit/no disk space Andreas Jaekel
- Re: Bug report: quota limit/no disk space David Thorburn-Gundlach
- PGP signed mails to the list Lars Hecking
- Re: PGP signed mails to the list J. Lasser
- Re: PGP signed mails to the list Mark Bainter
- Re: PGP signed mails to the list Rob Reid
- How did you do...? Re: PGP s... homega
- Re: Bold and underline using... Rob Reid
- Re: Bold and underline using... Brandon Long
- Re: Bold and underline using... rfi from Rich Roth
- Re: PGP signed mails to the ... Thomas Roessler
- Re: PGP signed mails to the list David Thorburn-Gundlach
- Re: PGP signed mails to the list Jeremy Blosser