On 02/18/99 Rob Reid uttered the following other thing:
At 3:10 PM EST on February 18 [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent off:
Rob Reid dixit:
[...] But I do appreciate patches/certain announcements being signed, and it's annoying if mutt doesn't ask if [...]

Sorry to ask this, but I don't know whether this was a feature of mutt. The words "do" and "don't" of your message showed in bright white and bright green, and when I make this reply they show with some H's, underscores, and repeated characters... dHdoHo and _Hd_Ho_He_Hs_Hn_H'_Ht (the H's show in bright white too). How did you do that?

The "^H"s are backspace characters. I think mutt and less are the only things that understand this convention. If you still want to use it, (and please don't go overboard! ;-) you have to get your editor to insert backspaces into your message. I used a feature from Dave Pearson's emacs post mode, which I've incorporated into Eric Kidd's mutt mode, along with a couple of my own features that I'm working on ... slowly ...

You can also use text/enriched messages instead of text/plain. To each their own. With text/enriched, at least, most modern mailers have a chance of handling it.

 Brandon Long        "The most merciful thing in the world is the inability
 MD6 Crash Test Dummy    of the human mind to correlate all its contents."
 Intel Corporation               -- H. P. Lovecraft
          I'm too low on the totem pole to speak for Intel.

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