> On Jun 5, 2020, at 2:50 PM, Steve Karmeinsky <st...@gbnet.net> wrote: > > If anyone can send me something in plain English that I can send to my > contact at MS (he was my account manager when I was at Demon Internet and we > licensed IE - long story), he’s quite senior now ...
Microsoft's IMAP server outlook.office365.com advertises only the non-standard XOAUTH2. Microsoft itself co-authored the RFC that subsequently standardized that, with a small modification, under the name OAUTHBEARER, yet Microsoft's server doesn't advertise the standard method. The mutt mail client can speak the standard OAUTHBEARER, but hasn't been patched to speak the non-standard XOAUTH2. Prior history on this topic: http://lists.mutt.org/pipermail/mutt-dev/Week-of-Mon-20200210/000555.html http://lists.mutt.org/pipermail/mutt-dev/Week-of-Mon-20200210/000558.html http://lists.mutt.org/pipermail/mutt-dev/Week-of-Mon-20200504/000720.html http://lists.mutt.org/pipermail/mutt-dev/Week-of-Mon-20200504/000722.html In summary, Microsoft knows about it. From Microsoft's perspective, since Microsoft itself has not yet cut off basic auth support, lack of OAUTHBEARER support is a low priority issue. On the other hand, some institutions have already cut off basic auth, thus breaking their mutt users. At my university I cannot use mutt to access Office365. I will again be able to do so once Microsoft supports OAUTHBEARER, or when mutt supports XOAUTH2. Alex