Will Yardley wrote in
 |On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 04:57:50PM -0500, Alexander Perlis wrote:
 |> In case it helps inform a decision, here's the OAuth2 status of several
 |> IMAP providers:
 |>   OAUTHBEARER: Google, Yahoo, ATT, Comcast, Sky
 |>  XOAUTH2 only: Microsoft, AOL, Yandex
 |>       Neither: Apple, Cox, Zoho, Mail.com, GMX, FastMail, 1&1
 |Any more news about this? Just wrote mutt-users too, to see if anyone's
 |got any solutions for Office365 yet....

Google works with XOAUTH2 also, it is what my MUA supports
(falsely labeled as oauthbearer until v14.10. series is released).

A terrible auth mech that introduces usage of JSON to the
protocols (where A NUL B NUL C NUL NUL style would be better than
good enough), as well as compulsion to interact via HTTP, which by
itself would not be that hard, if there would not be the much more
complicated HTTP/2 around, with the HTTP/3 that even uses
a different transport coming along.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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