I'd appreciate feedback on an area I'm not too clear about.
RFC5322 states that headers and the header/body delimiter are supposed to be CRLF, but I (and ticket #235) note that mutt is writing them with just LF.
The ticket reports this is causing opensmtpd to choke.However, given that Mutt is pretty meticulous about its behavior, I assume it must be a responsibility of the MTA to translate host line endings to CRLF (and back, by the MDA). Mails fetched by mbsync are LF delimited, for instance; and I note that Mutt's SMTP client is performing translation during sending.
Is that correct, and if so, is there a specification documenting that expectation?
Thank you very much! -- Kevin J. McCarthy GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C 5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA
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