Kevin J. McCarthy wrote in <20191031224233.gj13...@qinghai.lan>: |I'm looking for a bit of history and discussion of the correct behavior |of MTAs with respect to Bcc headers. | |Ticket #185 <> asserts that |Courier MTA doesn't remove the Bcc header when recipients are passed on |the command line. I'm currently not in a position to verify this |behavior, so I'm assuming the ticket is correct. | |It looks like Mutt provides $write_bcc, which allows the removal of the |Bcc header from the message. However, I believe this will also remove |it from the Fcc copy. | |The ticket asks if there is a way to turn off passing the recipients on |the command line. I'm wondering if this would be a generally useful |option.
Aside the specific issue, i found adding this option was the only way to make my little MUA work with OpenSMTPD 6.0.2p1, as that joined the command line arguments onto all receivers given in the message itself, resulting in duplicate deliveries. While this possibly was a bug, i added *mta-no-receiver-arguments* in October 2017 to address this issue. |Thanks for any advice or input! Hope this helps. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)