On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 05:15:07AM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
In the Mutt manual:

  foreground can optionally be prefixed with the keyword bright to make
  the foreground color boldfaced (e.g., brightred).

That's the way to do with xterm, where boldfaced mode is a way to get
bright colors, but in GNOME Terminal, this does bold + bright colors.
IMHO, one should just get bright colors in GNOME Terminal (without
bold), or at least this should be configurable.

Thanks Vincent! I have never looked closely at the reasoning behind the current code. I'll take a look at this more closely when I have a chance.

My only comment right now is that we shouldn't change behavior for existing xterm/urxvt users. If we can "fix" gnome-terminal without breaking those users, I'm fine with adding additional keywords such as "bright" and "boldbright".

Kevin J. McCarthy
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