#3975: Not plain/text /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz ---------------------+---------------------- Reporter: jaalto | Owner: mutt-dev Type: defect | Status: new Priority: major | Milestone: Component: mutt | Version: Resolution: | Keywords: ---------------------+----------------------
Comment (by wyardley): What type of system are you on? I can read it Ok on BSD type systems (FreeBSD, Mac OS X). I copied the file to a CentOS 7.x machine and also got the same results. {{{ % file doc/manual.txt doc/manual.txt: ASCII text, with overstriking % grep hmc.edu manual.txt alias muttdude m...@cs.hmc.edu (Michael Elkins) # save from m...@turing.cs.hmc.edu and m...@cs.hmc.edu to $folder/elkins m...@cs.hmc.edu Michael Elkins mutt dude From m...@cs.hmc.edu Fri, 11 Apr 1997 11:44:56 PST % less doc/manual.txt The Mutt E-Mail Client Michael Elkins <[1]m...@cs.hmc.edu> version 1.9.0 (2017-09-02) Abstract "All mail clients suck. This one just sucks less." -- me, circa 1995 __________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents [2]1. Introduction [3]1. Mutt Home Page [4]2. Mailing Lists }}} I'm guessing it's intentional? Also, the manual pages themselves should be searchable. -- Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3975#comment:1> Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/> The Mutt mail user agent