#3916: Mutt 1.8: TOFU approach bails out on first fail or reject, not offering
higher links of the cert' chain
  Reporter:  kratem32     |      Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  closed
  Priority:  minor        |  Milestone:  1.8
 Component:  crypto       |    Version:
Resolution:  fixed        |   Keywords:  tofu

Comment (by gahr2):

 It looks like it's not skipped, but the same certificate is shown twice:

    18 [2017-03-08 13:32:18] Connecting to ptrcrt.ch...
    19 [2017-03-08 13:32:18] ssl_load_certificates: loading trusted
    20 [2017-03-08 13:32:18] ssl_socket_open: Error loading trusted
    21 [2017-03-08 13:32:18] ssl_verify_callback: checking cert chain entry
 /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3 (preverify: 0
 skipmode: 0)
    22 [2017-03-08 13:32:18] X509_verify_cert: unable to get local issuer
 certificate (20)
    23 [2017-03-08 13:32:20] ssl interactive_check_cert: done=2
    24 [2017-03-08 13:32:20] ssl_verify_callback: checking cert chain entry
 /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3 (preverify: 1
 skipmode: 1)
    25 [2017-03-08 13:32:20] X509_verify_cert: unable to get local issuer
 certificate (20)
    26 [2017-03-08 13:32:20] ssl interactive_check_cert: done=2
    27 [2017-03-08 13:32:20] ssl_verify_callback: checking cert chain entry
 /CN=gahr.ch (preverify: 1 skipmode: 1)
    28 [2017-03-08 13:32:20] ssl_verify_callback: hostname check passed
    29 [2017-03-08 13:32:20] X509_verify_cert: unable to get local issuer
 certificate (20)
    30 [2017-03-08 13:32:22] Certificate saved

Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3916#comment:67>
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