#3916: Mutt 1.8: TOFU approach bails out on first fail or reject, not offering higher links of the cert' chain --------------------------+---------------------- Reporter: kratem32 | Owner: mutt-dev Type: enhancement | Status: closed Priority: minor | Milestone: 1.8 Component: crypto | Version: Resolution: fixed | Keywords: tofu --------------------------+----------------------
Comment (by Kevin McCarthy <kevin@…>): In [changeset:"4cb6408b5fef28e6455e21d87f46df1f2735d985" 6961:4cb6408b5fef]: {{{ #!CommitTicketReference repository="" revision="4cb6408b5fef28e6455e21d87f46df1f2735d985" Move the OpenSSL partial chain support check inside configure.ac. (see #3916) Instead of directly checking whether X509_V_FLAG_PARTIAL_CHAIN is defined everywhere, do it once inside configure. This will allow better support in the future if the test needs to change. }}} -- Ticket URL: <https://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3916#comment:65> Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/> The Mutt mail user agent