Hi all,

when I look at a subject line I see e.g. "Scale: Kursfeuerwerk am ersten Tag 
des neuen BM-CM-6rsensegments".

With 1.5.24 or 1.7.1 I see "Scale: Kursfeuerwerk am ersten Tag des neuen 

I.e., o-umlaut is displayed as "M-CM-6" since 1.8.0

Both, 1.7.1 and 1.8.0 have been compiled and run under Ubuntu.

Is this a bug, or do I need some new setting in .muttrc ?

In .muttrc I have

        set   charset=utf-8
        set allow_8bit

        unset allow_8bit

doesn't make any difference.

The problem occurs not just in subject lines, but also in the body of messages.

Kind regards,


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