On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 02:13:31AM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2016-04-21 09:17:04 -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> > Once something it pushed up to a clonable Mercurial repository, there is
> > no going back.  Branches in Mercurial are different than Git, as they
> > are non-removable.
> What is the problem? I don't know Mercurial very well, but wouldn't
> closing the branch (hg commit --close-branch) be sufficient? Or what
> about a bookmark instead of a branch?

Hi Vincent,

I'm hardly a Mercurial expert either, but closed branches are still
around, and they even show up in 'hg branches': you can see the old
closed 'stable' branch still in our repos.

Bookmarks may be an idea.  Looking at the wiki page, it says bookmarks
can be removed, but the commits still stay.  There is a "strip"
extension, but this still sounds like a bad idea to run on our main

Regardless, I'm not convinced my under-development patch queues belong
in a public repos.  I'd like to know what's wrong with just posting the
patches to the list when I'm ready to.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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