On Thu, Oct 03, 2013 at 10:22:00AM +0300, Alexander Gattin wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 11:03:44AM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> > In Mutt's context, the Unix philosophy works very well for things
> > like handling e-mail attachments, but it works much less well for
> > things that are inherent to handling mail folders, like searching
> > for mail.
> I use / ~b <regexp> for searching in IMAP folder.

Yeah, but what if you have 50 folders, and you don't know which one
the message you're looking for is in?

I won't respond to the rest of your points except to say that this has
all been argued out before.  I'm far from alone in my opinions, but
yes I must admit that they are just opinions.  Again, I refer you to
the archives.

> I know about forking and maintaining patches
> first hand (I had to maintain some against Linux
> kernel - usually at some point I get tired and try
> to slip at least most important parts upstream).

Exactly.  The problem here is that even if you had prepared good
patches, the maintainers are too busy and/or too disinterested in your
patches to take the time to even look at them (or, at least, they are
very good at leaving people with that impression, hence this thread
being rehashed repeatedly).

> P.S.
> My point was that users' forum is a bad place to
> discuss development.

Then your point is invalid; is isn't a users' forum, it's the
developers' mailing list.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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