Am 28.12.2012 16:00, schrieb Mutt:
> #3613: Commit #d07c9ee9a92b causes ./configure to fail on OSX 10.5.8.
> -------------------------+--------------------------------------------------
>   Reporter:  balderdash  |       Owner:  me    
>       Type:  defect      |      Status:  closed
>   Priority:  major       |   Milestone:        
>  Component:  mutt        |     Version:        
> Resolution:  fixed       |    Keywords:        
> -------------------------+--------------------------------------------------
> Changes (by me):
>   * status:  assigned => closed
>   * resolution:  => fixed

This causes a regression on newer automake 1.12: warning: AC_INIT: not a literal:
m4_translit(m4_esyscmd(cat VERSION),` ')

Note: There is no point in keeping the maintainer parts of the build
system itself going on ancient autotools versions, so any such hacks
should be waived. Have the Apple zealots install up-to-date development
tools instead.

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