* Derek Martin on Thursday, July 02, 2009 at 14:19:29 -0500
> On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 12:39:10PM +0200, Rocco Rutte wrote:
>> Mutt has $config_charset which, for the same reason, should be
>> deprecated if I follow your argumentation because setting UTF-8
>> everywhere would make it'd be superflous.
> The $config_charset variable already is deprecated!  From the manual:
>    Recoding should be avoided as it may render unconvertable
>    characters as question marks which can lead to undesired side
>    effects.

Hm, $config_charset is very useful for a $reply_regexp (stolen
from Alain Bench) that contains iso-8859-1 chars.

Main muttrc:

source reply_regexp.muttrc


set config_charset=iso-8859-1

set reply_regexp=...

set config_charset=utf-8

  Was heißt hier Dogma, ich bin Underdogma!
[ What the hell do you mean dogma, I am underdogma. ]
_F R E E_  _V I D E O S_  http://www.blacktrash.org/underdogma/

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