#1317: wish $edit_charset ------------------------------------------------+--------------------------- Reporter: Tony Leneis <t...@cvr.ds.adp.com> | Owner: mutt-dev Type: enhancement | Status: new Priority: minor | Milestone: Component: charset | Version: 1.4i Resolution: | Keywords: ------------------------------------------------+---------------------------
Comment(by Derek Martin): {{{ The author of this wish list item is complaining that if he uses ISO-8859-1, he can't retain curly quotes in his replies. ISO-8859-1 has none; he's dealing with a misconfigured Windows mailer that's labeling Windows-1252 (or similar) as ISO-8859-1. This is a suggestion to add a gross hack to work around a brokenness in another program... His problem would be solved correctly by switching to UTF-8, or just accepting that ISO-8859-1 just doesn't have curly quotes. This "bug" is 7 years old, and there remain few genuine obstacles to adopting UTF-8. Vincent suggests this is a bug... It's not; the conversion only happens when using //translit to represent characters that don't actually exist in the given encoding. If Mutt is going to send the message out as ISO-8859-1, leaving the curly quotes in *would* be a bug, since they don't exist in that encoding. I think this should be closed. }}} -- Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1317#comment:> Mutt <http://www.mutt.org/> The Mutt mail user agent