On Wed, Jul 01, 2009 at 09:36:11AM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> >  The author of this wish list item is complaining that if he uses
> >  ISO-8859-1, he can't retain curly quotes in his replies.  ISO-8859-1
> >  has none; he's dealing with a misconfigured Windows mailer that's
> >  labeling Windows-1252 (or similar) as ISO-8859-1.  This is a
> >  suggestion to add a gross hack to work around a brokenness in another
> >  program...
> No, you did not understand the problem and what the user wants. The
> user wants to edit the message in UTF-8 even though his terminal uses
> another charset. 
I understood perfectly well.  I just think this is pointless.  Set
your locale to UTF-8.  The reason he wants this is to avoid
configuring his system properly.  Mutt should not be in the business
of providing hacks to make it easy to do the wrong thing.

> > This "bug" is 7 years old, and there remain few genuine obstacles to
> > adopting UTF-8.
> There are still some places where UTF-8 is badly handled, e.g.
> in terminals. 

I'm not buying that.  I use both xterm and gnome terminal, and I use
them to produce both English and Korean often, and occasionally
Japanese and Chinese as well.  4 different encodings with 4 entirely
different character sets.  Works like a charm.  In Mutt and everywhere
else I care to use them.

> Also I move from time to time and I sometimes use other people's
> machines to read my mail via ssh; and UTF-8 isn't always available.

I don't think this is a problem Mutt should be asked to solve.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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