On Tuesday, October 28 at 03:42 PM, quoth Aron Griffis:
An alternative would be to add an attach-glob option to mutt, which mutt would then expand internally, for example:

   mutt -g \*.jpg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More ideas?  Dissenting opinions?

What about using the same sort of parsing that's used for the 'group' configuration command? Essentially, we say the following:

    1. neither files nor email addresses may begin with a hyphen
    2. by default, non-hyphen things on the commandline are assumed to
       be email addresses
    3. Using a "-a" flag means that subsequent non-hyphen things on
       the commandline are assumed to be files
    4. Using a "-E" flag means that subsequent non-hyphen things on
       the commandline are assumed to be email addresses

That way you can say stuff like:

    mutt -a *.{jpg,png} -E {foo,bar,[EMAIL PROTECTED]

(obviously, that's bash notation)

No man goes so high as he who knows not where he is going.
                                                           -- Cromwell

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