Hi Stephan
On 2012.08.28 12:49, Stephan Steiner wrote:
Hi mel
I think it's the language barrier - I felt you were hinting at "it's not
appropriate to complain" - and I think it's appropriate if you have just
It seems so. Sorry for misunderstanding.
We have the situation where you can call some code and don't really know
whether it will work until you've tried (e.g. getting the network
information, or wcf). There's also inexplicable strange behavior (see my
posts with regards to instantiating my singleton object from a background
thread), or Data Contract Serializers being able to deserialize a json
string on PC, but failing on the same json string on MonoDroid (will file a
bug on that and post here - I've had to manually rewrite json data I get
from GCM because somewhere along the way it inverts my keys and values in a
dictionary object).
True. I have similar issues (not that many).
If I just begrudgingly develop workarounds and never tell Xamarin about
issues I'm facing, the product cannot get better.
I'd say You have right to complain, if not obligation, but I see
constant improvement.
OK sometimes it bothers me that it is not fast as I would like to see,
but it is getting better
and better.
I realize I'm a n00b and have to go through the learning curve
So are we all...
- but I've
gone PC to mobile client before many eons ago, and the process from PC to
PocketPC was in a lot of ways a much better experience. You have a list of
APis that are supported so you can pick and chose what to use for the PC
client (lowest common denominator), and whatever API you use that has been
marked as working on the mobile platform will work. There was some
funkyness, but the process was essentially smooth. I erroneously assumed it
would be similar with M4A.
But I think to compare the size of organization behind PocketPC and M4A
would be unfair.
I can remember I had to write plumbing code for IsolatedStorage between
WP and RIA
version of Silverlight. That kind of errors happen.
For me there are much worse "strategic" errors that Microsoft does and I
think Xamarin team
is much better with those decisions. For example: being unable to load
CE (SmartDevice)
projects into VS2010, because product[s] are not supported anymore is
hard to justify.
How can CE apps be ported to WP when bare loading is not possible (I do
not need to
compile and run/debug, just to open it). OK it can be done with altering
project files, but
this is insane - to cut support for one projects off and not allowing
those projects to be
ported to new platforms...
I do not want to explain other issues that will (IMHO) hinder WP to gain
more market share
in coming years...
And I think that our complaints hit faster and more ears at Xamarin than
at MS.
I'm hoping that M4A will continue to improve so that our experience will get
smoother over time. The premise of the product is amazing, the execution,
imho, doesn't fully live up to it, yet. Not to say that Android in itself
does, either (my list of things that absolutely should change is as long in
Android 4.1 as it was when I got my first iPhone) - but there's nothing that
Xamarin can do about limitations of the underlying OS.
Same here. A year ago I was questioning myself whether invested time was
the right decision.
Today I'm sure it was.
Now to file that bug...
What I did not understand is "sitting on my mouth"... It felt like I'm
hiding some info...
And who_the_fake am i??
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