On 2012.08.18 19:27, Maximilian Wilson wrote:
Hi Miljenko,
I have Android SDKs and AVDs installed (I let Mono For Android install
them for me and it put them in %localappdata%--I wonder if that was my
mistake) and I am able to run Android programs on the emulator,
including F# programs which is quite exciting. Both the "Target
Android Device" and .axml designer are gone--there is no "Prompt For
Device", and right-clicking an .axml just gives Open | Open With |
View Code | View Designer | Exclude From Project | Cut | Copy | Delete
| Rename | Properties. (View Designer just opens the .axml in the xml
This second item "Open with:" does it have "Android Designer (default)"
I'm interested in your comment "installation might have gone in the
wrong direction." What kinds of voodoo issues did you have? I wonder
if uninstalling all Android components and re-installing manually
might help. (Maybe this would also help with the instability I see
when debugging programs on the emulator. Visual Studio tends to hang
when I hover over variables.)
This product is quite complex (I would say extremely) and guys are doing
really good job.
Sometimes I did not have enough time to investigate deeper. First I was
suspecting on some
VS AddIns, so I was trying with disabling or uninstalling those...
Usually what helped me:
* restart VS or MD
* restart PC
* CClean
* reinstall
See some samples:
* installation
* designer
Some bugs are fixed almost on a daily basis, some not. I guess You'll
have to live with those for some time
and learn how to avoid them. I had some show-stoppers, but for few days
or at most weeks.
Right now the bigger show stopper is myself, cos learning Android and
iOS is quite a big bite.
BTW, I am running on Win7 x64.
On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Miljenko Cvjetko
<mcvje...@holisticware.net <mailto:mcvje...@holisticware.net>> wrote:
On 2012.08.18 08 <tel:2012.08.18%2008>:14, Maximilian Wilson wrote:
Hi there,
I'm just getting started with Android development, and I'm having
some trouble with the VisualStudio integration that I wonder
anyone else has seen. Symptoms that I've noticed:
1.) The "Target Android Device" dropdown on the "Mono For
Android" VS toolbar is blank and greyed-out.
Though I have never used toolbar I have "Prompt for device".
Do You have Android SDK installed and AVDs created?
2.) When I double-click on an .axml file, instead of the layout
designer I just see raw xml.
Try: Context Menu (Right click) on axml +/ Open with +/ Android
Afterwards You can switch between code/xml and visual/desinger
FWIW, I am running VS in Admin mode (otherwise emulators won't
show up in the Ctrl-F5 box) and About VS says my Mono For Android
is version 4.2.4. Anyway, I'm hoping someone can point me in the
right direction.
Installation might have gone in wrong direction. I had several
similar (voodoo) issues.
maybe more info about OS (whether 64bit or not) would put some
light on the issue
Hahahahaaaa!!! That is ME laughing at YOU, cruel world.
-Jordan Rixon
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Loved I not Honour more.
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Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
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Hahahahaaaa!!! That is ME laughing at YOU, cruel world.
-Jordan Rixon
I could not love thee, dear, so much,
Loved I not Honour more.
Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
Projektant rješenja/Solution Architect
Razvojni programer/Senior developer
Voditelj projekta/Project Manager
IX južna obala 13
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