On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 03:05:55PM +0100, Matt S Trout wrote:
> I don't tend to register my own modules these days; I regard the registration
> process more as a useful feedback cycle on naming than anything else.

I thought the main difference was that registered modules are more
discoverable on CPAN i.e. end up in
http://search.cpan.org/modlist/Data_and_Data_Types/Data rather than just
the search results. Maybe I missed the point?

> Maybe Data::ByPath::RW or something? The read/write-ness is something people
> are going to care about.
> > To be honest, after all these examples nothing is jumping at me and so I
> > still prefer Data::PathSimple.
> You're welcome to upload it under that name without registration, you know.
> I'm also starting to think that the reasons why many ::Simple modules are
> actively hated by experienced perl programmers may not apply from your
> point of view - or more accurately, that I'll probably hate your module for
> the same reasons ... but that the people who won't will search for ::Simple
> modules for a different set of reasons.

Data::ByPath::RW just doesn't have the same ring to me. I think I'm
going to settle with Data::PathSimple because it works with my brain.

Ofcourse it depends on what you're doing, but I don't get the hate for
::Simple modules. I would rather be using XML::Simple rather than
XML::Parser and XML::SAX. I would rather use Filter::Simple rather than

> So the name might be ok after all.

I guess in the end the name really doesn't matter, it's what the code
does that's priority. I just thought that by using Data::PathSimple,
people would actually find it and use it.


Alfie John

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