On Mon, Mar 24, 2003 at 10:36:25PM -0800, Robert Spier wrote:
> The idea comes up periodically, and I mention it to someone about
> every six months, but it is always shot down, usually with some
> comment having to do with inertia.

At OpenFoundry (http://upload.openfoundry.org/) here, we are
beginning to implement exactly the same thing, namely changing the
apply_mod URL to point to a specific RT queue, where the application form
will be turned into a ticket.

That queue has a special OnResolve magic which will add the namespace
into the modlist, as well as creating associated PAUSE, MT, CVS, Sympa,
RT queues and permissions for that module, by POSTing back to those
services' admin interface, and exports a REST interface from RT for
ACL checks.

I'll be happy to submit the changes back to the PAUSE svn (after
ANDK's review, of course) once we finished the unit test cycle here.

(FWIW, OpenFoundry is a Taiwan Government-funded initiative launched
this month; it will provide sf.net-like services to Chinese free
software projects.  My company has been selected as the contractor for
implementing the underlying loosely-coupled, PAM-based services,
codenamed "CPAN-in-a-box".)

> We would be doubleplushappy to host this on the perl.org RT instance.

I would be glad to contribute my RT scrips and modules toward that


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