On tisdag, mar 25, 2003, at 07:36 Europe/Stockholm, Robert Spier wrote:

Robert, has anybody talked with you if and how RT could work for
managing module namespace requests? You probably know how the process
currently is structured:

The idea comes up periodically, and I mention it to someone about every six months, but it is always shot down, usually with some comment having to do with inertia.

1. CPAN authors can use a form on PAUSE to submit a namespace request.
2. The form generates an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It contains a URL
   that can be used to register the module officially.

Apart from that, PAUSE does not keep track of registrations, open
requests, altered requests, withdrawn requests, etc. Seems like an
ideal job for RT, so I ask you, if you can suggest what we need to do
to get help from RT.

I think RT would be very good for this purpose.

The flow would look like this:

    1. CPAN authors use a form on PAUSE...
    2. Email gets sent to RT and placed in the modules queue
    3. RT sends a copy of the request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    4. RT tracks any discussion that happens on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    5. When it is approved/rejected/altered/etc, one of the modules@
       admins goes into the RT system and marks it as such.

    6. Status reports can be generated that show the status of the
         (5 in queue, 3 under discussion, 2 new)

We would be doubleplushappy to host this on the perl.org RT instance.

If you have any questions, or are interested in other ways this might
work, I'd be glad to answer/explore.


I think this would be an excellent idea.


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