In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mark Veltzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First Meta is indeed the name of the consulting company that I run but the > name Meta is exactly right for what I need. I wanted a name without any > connection to anything that people already know (like DB, XML, Development > etc..). because Meta is a project to accomplish many tasks in an integrated > mannger. The name fits right on. i don't see how "Meta" is better than anything else, especially since "meta" already has special meaning in this domain (as in meta-data) and should be available for general use (rather than your specific one). > If anyone has problems with my name space I will change it. Do you have > concrete problems with the name space NOW ?!? the big problem is the PAUSE won't let anyone else use it. i don't see a problem with that right now though. other than that, namespaces like Meta::Archive::Tar seem misleading. it's not a "meta" class---indeed, it's just the opposite, a derived class. i'd rather see you contribute to the projects already out there than create an entirely new thing. -- brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),