It is good to see your modules in Meta::* being actively developed. However I have
some qualms about the whole project.
I cannot find any documentation as to what functionality the module hierarchy is
supposed to provide. It's various subhierarchies do not seem related in any particular
Thus, I cannot see why they should occupy a namespace together, especially a to lever
namespace with such as 'Meta'. In fact the only reason for them to be under 'Meta' is
that there is a company with that name.
If that is the case, the right place for it would perhaps be 'Acme::Meta' or somesuch.
But if they don't really belong together at all (they don't seem to), just put the
subhierarchies in the namespaces where they belong, and maintain a bundle
'Bundle::Acme::Meta', 'Bundle::TheMetaCompany' or somesuch.
Or better yet, just distribute the programs from the
section and have them state in their installation guides which modules are
Sorry if this comes out a bit harsh; I really do appreciate that people publish their
work on CPAN, as that is the #1 reason why perl's so damn wonderful.
I just think it's important that CPAN be used as more than just the workarea of
every-and-all (however clever) perl developer. I'm not advocating any particular
quality control over CPAN (the only module I maintain there is one of which I am
particularly unproud), just a minimum of respect for everybodys time and mindspace.
David Helgason (
ps. In no way do I represent the opinion of anybody but myself here; especially not of
the company through which I send this.