Hi again,

Mark Veltzer wrote:
> First Meta is indeed the name of the consulting company that I run but the 
> name Meta is exactly right for what I need. I wanted a name without any 
> connection to anything that people already know (like DB, XML, Development 
> etc..). because Meta is a project to accomplish many tasks in an integrated 
> manager. The name fits right on.
> There is actually a connection between the modules and my ambitions for it 
> are quite high.

Cool. I am looking forward to follow it's development. You might consider pasting some 
of your first reply into the projects README file, it would make the whole undertaking 
(which seems interesting) intelligible to outsiders (such as me).

>> If that is the case, the right place for it would perhaps be 'Acme::Meta'
>> or somesuch.
> If anyone has problems with my name space I will change it. Do you have 
> concrete problems with the name space NOW ?!? Did I collide with any other 
> module you installed from CPAN ? Did you want to write a module with the 
> [Meta::] prefix and found that you couldn't ? I don't really understand the 
> issue.

Ok, here is the pinnacle of the whole thing - I didn't notice that your 
framework isn't linked from the main listing. A co-worker sent me a link, and I
never thought to check where he had found it. Aren't assumptions just the road
to hell. I apologise.

And no, I certainly am not planning to use Meta:: as a namespace myself, so I have no 
problems with it for now. Of course somebody might complain once it get's 'released', 
but lets take the problems as they come (unlike what I did in the previous mail).


David Helgason (http://www.uti.is/david)

ps. Actually I am quite intersted in projects such as this, using databases to drive 
applications. I have been playing with a pet project for a while, indexing emails in a 
PostgreSQL database. I'll have a look at your code and try and give you some kind of 
comments on it if I have the time (maybe as unqualified as 'cool' or 'yuck', but 
hopefully more).

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