In lists.projects.perl.modules, you wrote:
>Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:
>> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>>   modid:       Lingua::ES::Numeros
>>   DSLIP:       bnphg
>>   description: Traslates numbers to spanish text
>>   userid:      JREY (Jose Rey)
>>   chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
>>   communities:
>I don't know what the rest of Perl community is thinking about,
>but I would prefer Lingua::ES::Numbers.
>In my opinion Perl modules should by named in an English way,
>of course only if possible.

It's a tough one.

On the one hand, it seems like Lingua:: is an obvious place to allow
non-English names.  

On the other hand, it would be handy if an English speaker could wander
into Lingua:: and easily find any number conversion modules.

Both kinds are found on CPAN.  For instance:

Lingua::RU::Antimat (strips obscenity)


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
"I'm not afraid of you, you're a vegetarian!"
        -- Thorfy, to Bron (from the Netizen quotes file)

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