Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:

> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       Lingua::ES::Numeros
>   DSLIP:       bnphg
>   description: Traslates numbers to spanish text
>   userid:      JREY (Jose Rey)
>   chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
>   communities:

I don't know what the rest of Perl community is thinking about,
but I would prefer Lingua::ES::Numbers.

In my opinion Perl modules should by named in an English way,
of course only if possible.
E.g., so it's very simple, too, to build into a script a language

my @languages = qw( EN ES DE ); # or so on


foreach (@languages) {
        eval qq{ print Lingua::$_::Numbers->new($number), "\t"; }

(or what would be more practical, 
to parse a text and scan the words for possible numbers in every
if found replace it with real numbers)


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