On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 12:55:14AM +0200, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:
> >>>>> On Fri, 7 Sep 2001 14:44:12 -0400, Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >> Also consider the effect of a module that's in the core and not
> >> maintained on CPAN anymore.
> > This is a problem with the core modules I'm trying to correct.
> > Ideally, with a few obvious exceptions, they should all be available
> > on CPAN in some backwards compatible form or another.
> This alone solves all problems, no change to the indexer needed.
Unfortunately, I don't see it realistically happening for several
months to several years yet. Pretty high on my list is "find
maintainers for core modules" but it'll take a while to get the
momentum going.
Meanwhile, I'll keep poking around for an immediate solution.
> > If the author does not intend to release new versions of the module to
> > CPAN, deleting the old versions (or moving them to backpan) is the
> > next best thing to do.
> > The indexing logic isn't terribly complicated by this. All you have
> > to add is a little clause saying "If there's no other version of the
> > module available, list the core version".
> > If you could tell me where to get the indexer code, I'll have a look
> > at it and try a patch.
> It's doable if we maintain another table for all modules in the latest
> official perl or for all modules in all distributions. We currently
> don't have that.
I'll have a look at what you're doing and see if it can be adapted.
> BTW, you asked in a different posting about the schema: A current
> database dump is always in ~ftp/pub/PAUSE/PAUSE-data/moddump.current.
> It's written every 6 hours and available in bzipped form too.
Ahh, great! I'll have a look when I get back to the States.
Michael G. Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
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