>This also provides an incentive to keep CPAN versions and core >versions synced. ... which should be enough reason in itself ;) K. -- Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://infotrope.net/ "Warning: Netizen may contain traces of nuts." -- Sharkey (from the Netizen quotes file)
- Core modules and CPAN indexing priorities Michael G Schwern
- Re: Core modules and CPAN indexing priorities Andreas J. Koenig
- Re: Core modules and CPAN indexing priorities Michael G Schwern
- RE: Core modules and CPAN indexing priorities Robert Spier
- Re: Core modules and CPAN indexing priorities Kirrily Robert
- Re: Core modules and CPAN indexing priorities Andreas J. Koenig
- Re: Core modules and CPAN indexing priorities Michael G Schwern