Name -------------> David Mott
Email ------------> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage ---------> <no home page available>
(if you need *something*, use http://www.sep.com)
preferred user-ID -> MOTT or MOTT-DP or MOTT-DAVID
Description ------->
I don't have anything *specific* to contribute yet, although we have
some stuff lying around from the office intranet development effort that
could probably qualify (site navigation bar generator module, an
HTML calendar generation module, etc.).
I teach a PERL class for my company, and also help with intranet
development. We're gearing up to rewrite our intranet, and much of it
will be generated with the GD module. We may have some interesting
examples involving CGI, GD, and Javascript.
I'd just like to get registered so that if I (or anyone else in my
company) come up with anything useful to the PERL community, we can submit
it for consideration. I feel like we've gotten a lot out of CPAN, and I'd
like to give a little back where possible.
-David Mott, SEP