Name:          Ilmari Karonen
E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
Homepage:  (mostly neglected for years)
Preferred ID:  ILTZU

Contibutions:  At the moment, various modules I have written in response
to personal need or Usenet requests, including: 

Name              DSLI Description
------------      ---- --------------------------------------------
Tie::CharArray    bdpr Access Perl scalars as arrays of characters
Time::Stopwatch   bdpr Use tied scalars as timers
Text::Substitute  adpf Runtime backslash sequence substitution

All of the abovementioned modules have been written in response to queries
on comp.lang.perl.misc or .modules, and have been published and discussed
there.  The code for each, with POD, can currently be found at:

Ilmari Karonen -
"If you don't use use strict; you're on your own anyway."
                                      -- Abigail in comp.lang.perl.misc

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