On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 07:33:32AM -0400, Dave Oberholtzer wrote:
> Tim said:
> > Seems best to share the Fame::* namespace, in which
> > case you can call it anything you like under there.
> Allow me to respectfully disagree. I would agree with you on an
> intellectual level were it not for the extreme differences in implementation
> and high likelihood of user confusion. The modules are completely
> incompatible and, potentially, mutually exclusive.
Ah, didn't know that, so fine.
> I find far more tenable your earlier statement that "any 'XS' code is likely
> to be built upon" and so a planned namespace evolution should be adopted at
> the start. Using FameHLI::API as you suggest for the root of my
> implementation does just that.
Fine by me.