David Oberholtzer
Preferred ID
        I expect to contribute at least one module aiding in access to the
FAME language from Perl.

        Module:         DSLI    Description
        FameHLI adcf    Ports Fame's C-API to Perl (With no 4GL)        ????

What Exists:

    There currently exists a module (last updated Nov 1999) from TRIAS which
provides access to most of the Fame v7.6 C-HLI (Host Language Interface)
functions.  That module was written in using some methods which seemed less
than intuitive and it has not been updated to take into consideration
improvements in Fame v8.0 and beyond.  One of my intentions is that anyone
who understands XS will be able to submit modifications/improvements easily
for this module.

    I am a former Fame employee and had been discussing (internally)
developing a Perl/FameHLI written entirely in XS which implements the C-HLI
completely.  It wasn't until I left Fame and started working at a startup
that I "got the time" to write the port.

    At this point, I have been talking to Fame folks again and they are
interested in "Blessing" my port of the C-HLI for Perl and they look forward
to it becoming available.  They have been evaluating several ports and there
seems to be consensus on "blessing" mine.
   To serve this end, there are two options:
        1) distribute the module from the Fame site (
        2) make the module available via CPAN

    We (Fame folk and I) have discussed it and it looks like the better
approach (from all points of view) is to provide the port on CPAN.  I will
continue to do the development work as I can and Fame will provide the
'C-like interface support'.


David J. Oberholtzer (E-mail).vcf

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