On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 12:01:02PM -0500, Chris Nandor wrote:
> At 16:52 +0000 2001.02.22, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> >Is Nick's suggestion of PerlIO::* [capitalisation is the same as all the
> >PerlIO
> >structures in the perlio.c source] the best name for perlio related
> >modules?
> I think the capitalization is fine; however, I am concerned with
> identifying modules as PerlIO::. That is, I don't really know much about
> what modules in PerlIO:: would be. Would all of them be regarding data
> transformations using the PerlIO functionality? If so, then that seems
> fine to me.
in as much as
The two XS modules I've written so far provide perlio layers to gzip/gunzip
and to limit a file handle to a particular subsection of a file.
The XS code only provides a layer to perlio - it exports no symbol table
entries, and the .pm just contains a call XSLoader and the POD.
My two modules are useless without perlio (they won't even compile, and
Makefile.PL will probe Config.pm to bail out before this happens)
The Encode module in the development tree provides an "encode" layer
(when perl is configured for perlio), but also provides perl language
accessible functions. As I see it it, it wouldn't qualify to live in the
PerlIO namespace because it's doing a lot more than just layers. The
PerlIO namespace would be just for modules that solely provide layer
Except that I have this niggle that as perlio is in development it
may throw up something related to it that would also not really
have a home in any other namespace.
Nicholas Clark